Friday, February 10, 2012

Endurance...and Refreshment.

Just when I need it, I'll hear my little birdie friend singing to me from outside.  When David called a few days ago to "hear my voice", that little bird was whistling me a tune.  And yesterday, as I soaked in a hot bath again, he sang.  And really early this morning, when letting Howie outside, there he was.

He is such a sweet reminder to me about refreshment.  I find that when I tend to go through a season that feels like intense pruning, I also need to be intentional about being refreshed throughout the process.  So, I try to look for ways to build up my spirit in the midst of God so graciously tearing down my walls, the lies I've believed, and my inferior mindsets. It can be easy to think that God is punishing us or that there is so much "bad" in us when we go through pruning, but I've actually come to a place where I genuinely love it.  As a parent, it is so much easier to look at discipline in a different light.  Of course we want the best for Ella--and that is why she is disciplined. I hate when she cries or when she doesn't understand at first, but   as long as she is disciplined with a balance of grace and truth, it is so absolutely fun and rewarding to see her be obedient the next time around (ok, sometimes it takes a few times).  She feels secure, loved, and nurtured--she knows she's safe.  And that makes her free to explore, and to create, and to be.

And so it is with God and me.  Right now. And as I've talked with some of you, so it seems with God and you. Right now.

As my old mindsets crumble, it's easy to feel a sense of loss. Unfortunately, many of those things we hold onto for security become "friends".  And when they leave, it's understandable that we may feel a little lost or sad or empty.

And that's when my birdie friend always seems to show up.  Reminding me to be refreshed and to fill in the old, empty spot with something new and refreshing.

It can take many different shapes depending on the day.  For me, I have both practical and spiritual ways to nourish myself. Practically, I've been writing a lot, planning the new babe's nursery (with Ella's help), scouring Pinterest (that in itself is SO refreshing and beautiful!), and taking Ella outside to play since the weather has been great! These small activities refresh me so much and then give me endurance for the rest of the transitioning journey.

Spiritually, I have a whole other variety of nourishing "exercises" that I vary between.  In the Bible, David was called a "Man After God's Heart", and he very much knew pain and heartache--as well as tremendous victory.  The Psalms are such beautiful writings depicted from his journey. He's brutally honest, releases his emotions, and then he is said to "encourage himself in the Lord".  I think that's so important.  If we stop at releasing our emotions or getting stuck in our emotions, we don't really do ourselves any good.  We need to be filled back up.

When I notice myself needing to be filled up, I tend to "soak" in worship music, read the Bible (especially Romans) or a great spiritual biography, and pray.  I realize many Christians have different theological views on the more "supernatural" or "charismatic" gifts (and for good reason--there has been a lot of distortion of those gifts), but I definitely lean toward being refreshed in my spirit by praying in tongues and through other miraculous encounters. I grew up in a very safe and nurturing environment where these gifts and experiences were expressed with great care, nurture, integrity, and also power--so for me, being filled up directly in my spirit is one of the easiest and intimate ways for me to experience God (not to mention the Bible is full of accounts in which God supernaturally met His people--it's fascinating!).  In my own life, I was born with severely underdeveloped hip joints, and had it not been because of the faith of my mother and her Christian community, I very well would have been in a wheelchair or had a severe limp for the rest of my life (so the doctors say).  But because she did not choose self-pity---and instead chose to "encourage herself in the Lord" even in the midst of pruning and hardship, God had something else to say and those hip joints radically grew in. I walk just fine....and in fact, I love to dance and leap and twirl, too.

And I think that God is just waiting to pour out blessings and miracles and healing for a lot of people. (That's what the Bible says anyway!)

So, depending on where you are at in your spiritual journey or what you may believe, there is room for refreshment.  God wants to pour strength into you--even when you forget that He does.  And as I remember that, I've been learning how to "encourage myself in the Lord" during my refinement process.  Relishing in the people and activities I enjoy, going on dates with my hubby, running with Ella, feeling my new babe kick like crazy, and laughing as Howie steals my seat on the couch.  And much, more more...

Not to mention--we've made it to Friday!! So, be refreshed this weekend as you relish in your blessings and as the beautiful pearl that you are is being polished by the Creator himself.......

He's about to show off His goodness, folks.

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