Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I'm living in Transformation City.

It's been awhile since I've blogged.  All my writing has been scribbles on notebook paper or keystrokes in Microsoft Word.

I've missed you all!

This book has somewhat taken over my life the last few months. It has been unreal--amazing--life-changing.  It's been brewing in my heart to write it for the last six years (at least consciously), and as I candidly put my pen to paper this past few months, I can't believe it is actually happening.

I write this particular blog about it because I want you to be INSPIRED.

Only God knows why and how my process has looked the way it has.  The timing of it all and the person that I've become up to this point is none other than a Kairos moment.  I've shuffled and read through all the journals over my entire life span, chronologically lining them up, highlighting pages and themes......and rants.

And joys.

I've organized them into themes. Have you ever looked back on the themes that hover over your life?

Some of them are wonderful themes, and some of them are not so wonderful....yet.

In that matter of a month, I made a conscious to decision to face each of these themes. Good or bad. Ugly or pretty. And in this process, I have written my book.

I've blocked out all residual noise in my life.  The sound of His voice in this place is much too sweet for any type of intrusion.  He's re-walking me through the joy of my very existence in these moments.  Picking up my broken pieces, celebrating days that got neglected, re-piecing my mind back to how He created it.  I have no other rational explanation for this miraculous journey except that after looking over my life, I can understand with a fervent certainty how much He cares for me. How much He cares for us.

My journal from 1989 when I wanted a new pair of boots.  He remembers.
My journal from 2002 when I was desperately realizing that I didn't want to be a "normal" person with a "normal" job.  He initiated that.
My journal from 2006 when I took the plunge and started to dance again even though I was scared stiff.  He was waiting for that moment.

I say all this to say that I haven't spent enough time honoring my life and honoring the story He has written of me.  We spend so much time on busyness, and doing, and noise.  We drown out His voice and what He wants to say to us.  I can't believe how long I've lived with so much noise in my head.  Noise is so distracting.  It wasn't until this process of practicing simplicity, living in silence, and listening to my own self that I could finally hear Him like never before.

He's wooed me with my book.  He loves that I love to write.  That's why He's having me write my story, Our story.  For you, it may be different. Maybe you like to do swim or take pictures or sing. Whatever it is, if you keep having that "thing" tug at you, that "thing" that just won't go away...or that you "thing" you always talk about doing (but in reality never start because you're too scared), please take the plunge.

Quiet yourself.
Turn off the noise.
And put it on your 2013 Bucket List!

If you're terrified to get started or to even speak your desire out loud, then please message me! I love secrets. :)

But whatever you do, give yourself a Gift, and take the first step. It may start out really tough and awkward and what-the-heck-am-I-doing, but I promise it turns out really, really fruitful and invaluable! Kinda like the Christmas Story.........

Speaking of, Merry Christmas! I love you all and am so thankful for your support on my writing journey......you have instilled confidence and courage into me when I've needed it most!


(And P.S. If you're on Instagram, find me! I miss all the pics of your sweet kiddos!)


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