Monday, April 23, 2012

Moves Like Jagger Continued...

I've had several people ask me in the last week about an update on our potential big move.  I realized that I kinda left you guys hanging by accident...only cause I've been hanging, too. Or maybe more like swinging...

But, I do have an update. And it's a doozy.  I hope that it is encouraging to you in whatever journey and transition you are also working through--this whole thing has sure turned my world for a loop.  And though I still don't know the outcome fully, I would never ever change the last three months for anything. Even my emotional rants. I'd do that again, too.

About three weeks ago, we found out that my inheritance funds were going to be locked up for at least six months.  And even if they came then, it wasn't going to be free and clear.  There was still some baggage attached that we'd have to work through and pay back.  In a way, though, I had this feeling in my spirit that the tide had turned.  I happened to be in route to record my VO demo, and you know what song came on? Riiiiiiiight. Moves Like Jagger.  As I listened, I heard Him say "Last time, I had the Moves Like Jagger. Now, you've got the Moves Like Jagger." As I pictured Jesus Roger-Rabbiting in his robe, I laughed (thanks for the visual, Laurie).  I started to Roger Rabbit, too.

And then I almost got in a car accident.

He gently said, "Yes...... but slow it down, sister."

He's so smart.

I'm still learning the rhythm of God.  Perhaps it's why I like to dance.  The only problem is, if I bust out all my moves at the beginning, I'm too tired for the finish.  The grand finale.

His point exactly.

Yes, the tide had turned.  In fact, the only hope I had in the natural that things were progressing was this one specific house we happened to look at.  It was the carrot God was dangling in front of my snout to keep me moving forward.  I had no interest in moving if it wasn't this house. He knows my fickle nature.  Though I would like to egotistically say that I am defaulted at always believing the best of God, I am not.  I need Him to dangle a carrot sometimes.  And He more than understands that.  I've had some blows.  So, graciously dangle the carrot He did.

Until two days after this almost accident.

I had a dance rehearsal. Afterward, I decided to drive past this house we were eyeing.  All the signs were there that it was ours.  It even had a car with a license plate with 44 in the driveway. Talk about carrot dangling.  Well, it just so happened, that on April 4th (4/4), this evening when I decided to drive past it....when I had just finished rehearsing for an Easter production--because He is Risen--and my life is now going to be resurrected from this turmoil....that I passed the house.

With a big ole SOLD sign in the yard.

In a way, I felt relieved.  In a way, I felt slightly disappointed.  But in a bigger way, I felt Hope.  I realized it was a carrot.

And now I could let it go.

Because in all reality, I wasn't interesting in moving until after I had this baby out of my body anyway.  I couldn't even get vision to prepare my girl's nursery because of the thought of putting so much work into something that could be gone in several months.  Well, and let's be honest. At the beginning of this whole thing, I did not want to move AT ALL. I put up a fight and ignored all signs toward moving, pretending I couldn't see what God was asking of me.

And now, I could rest for a little bit.  I could nest.  And I could easily believe that what God had coming was way bigger.  Not because I was still holding out for something in the natural, but because He had done a supernatural working in my heart.  When I passed that SOLD sign, something inside me shifted.  When I didn't cry in anguish over what I thought was going to happen but didn't, I realized that He had healed me.  He healed my "Hope Deferred Makes the Heart Sick Syndrome".  I was really satisfied more with Him than with the carrot.  And all of my fighting and wrestling and hormonal rage was part of that. I had to get that stuff out of my system.  All those times I felt like people had left me hanging or that I was still waiting for God to come through for me. It was gone.  And instead of being upset, I had Hope. With no effort. And with no energy.  Hope had taken up residence inside my soul.  He had taken up residence inside my soul.

I went on with my life cheerily. Oh, sweet Jesus. You saved me from having to put my house up for sale with a newborn! I don't have to clean up after my toddler and St. Bernard every-single-day. And you healed me! Just because you asked me to say "yes" didn't mean I had to jump into the deep end of the pool without swimming lessons! No CPR for me.

And, then, I got a phone call.  It's just the way God is. It happens to be that my inheritance money is still locked up for a little while, but it has doubled in value in the last three months.


No baggage. Free and clear. And twice as big.

Abundance comes from the overflow of the heart. He changed my heart, so I could have abundance.  I might still need a few more swim lessons before I decide to jump off the high dive.   But I no longer need to wear a life jacket...I've learned how to swim.

And how to dance.

I'll be ready for my grand finale when it's time.

I get to birth my baby in a home of rest--just like I hoped to do.  And when that money that has been growing on a Tree--perhaps one that bore the body of a King--is ready to bloom, I will be able to grab hold of it easily. And rest in it's shade......His shade.

He's a faithful God.  Always going behind me and before me. Paving the way to Abundant Life.

Happy Monday! Life is good.

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