Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Book of Days

I am a bookworm. Writing and reading...two of my favorite loves since childhood. I would even play "Library" with my 50 million Little Golden Books (ok, maybe 50 million is a little bit of an exaggeration, but I had A LOT...50 million just happens to be my favorite number to over-exaggerate things--just ask David. When I'm really on a role, it turns to 50 billion gazillion.)

Anyway, back to bookworming. Let me just start out by saying God is way smart. He knew my adoring love for a good book, the way a writer's personality spills out onto the pages...letting you into the deep and fun and exciting adventures of a person's soul. It feels so good...so intimate...so community. Well, somehow in the midst of our 6th year of marriage, my hubby got an amazing job at one of the largest Christian publishing companies in the world (ok, that may be an exaggeration...but I'm 99.9% sure it's not). This little/big endeavor of his has made me a very happy girl because there are these wonderful things called "Advanced Reader's Copy" which means before a book comes out with all the bells and whistles, a few of these daddy's get passed out. The lucky ones get a copy to read it first. Now, I do have a competitive streak and love to relish on a little secret before it gets out to others...but what I mostly love about these advanced copies is this: after I read it, I get to go on amazon.com and wherever else I choose to write a stunning review of what I just read. Call me a nerd, but this is one of my favorite new hobbies. I've always had a love for being a job reference or writing a letter of recommendation...and this, well, just adds to the little spices of my life that I believe are worth celebrating.

With that in mind, I must share with you the book I am currently reading. From what I understand, this fantastic author is a regular Joe Schmoe like you and me. He had it in his heart to write a book awhile back...he gave it a go with some publishers and got a nasty turn down. So, he ended up tucking it away. Until last year, when my husband's company decided to publish his book. And you know what? That book ended up being the #1 book on Kindle. Can we say "deeeeestiny!" If you want to read it (and I totally suggest you do!), it's called "Rooms" by James L. Rubart. Now...all that to say...his next book is my current "Advanced Reader's Copy", and let's just say I am having a hard time getting my eyeballs un-glued from the pages. It's called "The Book of Days" based off the Bible scripture Psalm 139:16

"You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
before I'd even lived one day."

I mean, just the Scripture verse alone saves me from years of therapy! Resting in the God who is, Who created, and Who redeems.

So with that, this book has been an absolute joy to read as we each sometimes struggle to understand our past, our present, and our future. There is something so beautiful when we step into the struggles of another; it opens us up, gives us room to breathe and to be. This is one of those books...and experiences. Here's Jim's website link if you'd like to check out more about him and his story!


P.S. I just learned how to check the "stats" on my blog. There were 110 blog views from my posting yesterday. Way to make a newbie blogger feel good! I love you all, my 110 mystery blog readers!

(corresponding song: Beauty in the World by Macy Gray)

1 comment:

  1. got on facebook today just so I could check your blog- way to go with starting to write!!! This is great!!!!!!!!!!!!



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