Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Big 3 plus 1

Remember when I told you about Ella's Big Three? Well, we now have a number 4. It's called "Dancin' in the Moonlight". It's actually a partial result of number 2, the magic paci. You see, as Ella has been learning the gentle art of self-soothing, she can easily put herself back to sleep in the middle of the night. I mean, I'm talking night feedings just went from three to 1/2 or none in the matter of a week with me doing nothing. Ahhhh, sleep is good. Now we're just waiting for that first tooth that is taking 3 months to come in. Oh, little tooth. Where are you? You play tricks on me.

Anyhow, back to number 4. I call it "Dancin" in the Moonlight" because, well, it's dark outside and we do a little dancin'. Ella now wakes up at 6 am on the dot because after 12 hours of sleep, who wouldn't? She's up! That magic paci did it's job over night and so there is no need to sleep in. So, we have this little system. David grabs Ella from her crib, puts her in bed with me, he gets ready for work, and then, I make a few last and desperate attempts to cuddle. Nurse? check. Paci? check. Lovey? check. But it no longer works. When she's up, she's up. And with a full and uninterrupted night of sleep, I can't really expect much else. So, she tugs on my hair...plays with my face...giggles.

So, we get up.

The first few moments are a little tough, not gonna lie. But then, the dark and cozy mornings just sweep me up. I figure, in 15 years, I'll be praying I still had one of these mornings with my curly-Q babe. So, we click the coffee pot on and put on some morning tunes. Then-- we dance. Sometimes it's the Beach Boys (one of Ella's personal favorites) and sometimes it's the Four Seasons. Today, it was King Harvest. And let me tell you, we cut a rug.

In the midst of a dark and moonlit morning, we glided across the hardwood floor belly to belly...and soaked up all the good stuff.

Happy Wednesday to you!

P.S. I'm sure you've already noticed that each of my blogs corresponds with a tune. I realized, though, that if you come in late and try to read an earlier post, the songs do not correspond as I've already moved on to the next one. So, if you're like me, and love a soundtrack to your life, I'll put the corresponding song on the bottom of each blog. That way, even if you come in late, you can still match them up easily!

(corresponding song: Dancing in the Moonlight by King Harvest)

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