Tuesday, April 5, 2011


It's a covenant type of day.  Sunny, wind blowing, and skies bright as far as you can see.

Yesterday it was also a covenant type of day.  Stormy, very stormy.  Stuck in the house all day.  Had to face my laundry pile.

But back to today.  I'd rather think about today. Right?

It occurred to me this morning as I was loading up a dirty pile of laundry that somehow escaped being washed (or wait, was I procrastinating?).  Covenant.

Minutes before hoisting this load into the washer, my husband kissed me goodbye.  Off to work and his world.  It was this short kiss, that moments later, made me ponder.  Covenant.

I thought about when we first met and were infatuated with one another--walking all the way across campus just to see each other for five minutes before class.  Then, we got engaged, got married, had a baby.

Now, there's chores (yes, laundry), mopping the floor after Howie travels the kitchen while chomping on his food, wiping baby booties, midnight teething, and day-to-day life.  Less infatuating, let's be honest.

But there's covenant.

There is a mutual understanding that we will never leave one another, that I can roll over in bed with my troll hair and stinky morning breath, and he will love me all the same.  If not more.

And then there's those times where even when I've done something to really get under his skin, or when I've said something way before my brain had the chance to say "Don't say that!"...well, I know it will eventually end up with an "I forgive you" after an "I'm sorry" of course.

It's covenant.

Much like God.  Actually, God's covenant is way better.  He is way more patient than any of us down here. When I roll over in the morning and crank on the coffee pot, He's already prepared Himself for my day.  For my mess-ups, for my frustrations, that slow car in front of me when I'm running late.  He's seen the dirty diapers, Howie throwing up on the carpet because Ella sneaked him too much people food, and the mundane of wiping down the counters fifty times a day.  But you know what? He ain't going anywhere.  He's hanging out right there in the middle of my day--and even better, He isn't surprised by any of it.  Whether it's good, bad, or ugly.

It's covenant.

We laugh together, we cry together.  We battle wars together, we watch sappy movies together, we live life...together.  No worries about what may come our way, because no matter what does, we face it together.  I can be honest with my feelings with Him, and He can lovingly show me the Truth--even when I may not want to acknowledge it.  And when I stutter my way through figuring out if I really believe Him or not, He's patient.  He waits for me.  Continues to be there even when I don't understand.

Awesome, right?

So, whether I'm up or down, happy or sad, peaceful or anxious, there it is.  Covenant.

Makes dirty socks not seem so bad.  Off to fold my laundry....... :D

(corresponding song: Gone in the Morning by Newton Faulkner)

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