Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's been a very mellow type of day.  I've been going through my journals from years past.  I came upon a journal entry where I had been studying the Song of Songs.  Below is what I had written.  I came across the same verses written again several pages later...and another several pages later....and another journal later.  I remember studying this passage.  Thankful for the years Mike Bickle spent (and is spending) in this book of the Bible, I vividly remember him describing the importance of these two passages.  Specifically the first one.  He encouraged us to memorize it, dissect it, write it out.  And so, I did.  I took it apart piece by piece and word by word, re-wrote it according to each individual word's meaning.

It's been toiling over again and again in my mind the last week or so.

Song of Songs 5:10-16 (The Shulamite Woman to her Love)

My husband is radiant and harmonious; He is incomparably distinguished among all others.
His sovereignty is of highest quality; His consecration to me is full of vigor and eternally dedicated.
His perfect knowledge and wisdom has singleness of vision and His view is through the cleanness of his heart, pure, with perfect discernment.
The windows of His emotions are abundant and diverse.  The power of His words are sweet and satisfying, consistently growing with the embrace of death.
The way He accomplishes His work is divinely deliberate; His tender compassion is especially unique with precious beauty.
His purposeful walk does not waiver and is pure.  The impartation to His people is glorious and strong with excellent fragrance.
Intimacy with Him is the most delightful thing to my soul.  He is completely perfect.  This is my Husband, this is my comrade, O sisters of the faith.

Song of Songs 6:4-10 (The Love to the Shulamite woman)

O My Bride, your cultivated beauty will win cynics and those blinded and darkened of heart; your inner beauty reflects the glory of your undivided heart toward me, and you are victorious to defeat the powers of darkness.
I can barely handle it; your devotion conquers my heart.  Your dedication to me is majestic and well fed on my Love.
Your means to receive me is free from fleshly zeal, pure, and abundantly fruitful.
Sweet is your godly countenance in the secret place.
You are honored above the glorious hosts of heaven.
My daughter, perfected by my love, I am satisfied by you alone.  You were brought forth from the church, the favorite of their efforts.  Your spiritual maturity will be blessed by the daughters who will come forth.
Who is this as the sun comes up from the night, with light to bring deliverance to the captives, shining with His brilliance, terrifying to the powers of darkness?

And who says the Bible is boring?

(corresponding song: Can I Stay by Ray Lamontagne)

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