Thursday, February 24, 2011

Psalm 23 Remix.

I've crossed over.

From the wishy-washy to the faith-filled.

When your spirit gets bigger and stronger than your soul, life shifts.

It changes from, "I think I can, I think I can" to

"You bet I can."

And every so often, there's even a "Watch this!"

There is a reality to the change of power.  The switching of the guard.  My soul, though strong and beautiful, had been in charge for a little too long.  For most of us, I would say this is so.  Our souls have been guarding and protecting all of our hurts and fears and boo boos.  Keeping our dreams, our faith, and our relationships at a distance.  "It's safer this way"...or so it seemed.

But after awhile, it just became so unsatisfying and frustrating. My spirit would catch a glimpse of who I was made to be and what I was created to do; and a result, I couldn't help but to want it. "Ooooooooo, that looks really fun!" Butterflies in the stomach and giggles in my gut.

But then the soul would interject, " wait...that seems a little scary.  Perhaps a bit too vulnerable.  Are you sure you want to do that?"

Insert Voice of God here: "It's ok. Give it a try."

I take a step.

"Ok, yes, that's very fun! Another please."

And before I knew it, that half-empty glass turned to overflowing. Almost toppled over even.

It's really so much easier than I would have thought.  Of course, it does take effort.  But an effort that is birthed out of eagerness, out of desire, and out of enthusiastic curiosity.

Not any of that mundane, I-gotta-do-this-again-today, dreaded work.

And not only has it made the dreams in my heart flourish, but it also makes doing the dishes flourish, and changing poopy diapers flourish, and dare I say even wiping slobber off the walls flourish.

It just takes over.

And with it, love.  That Love, it just comes a tumblin' down.  All the way into my toes.

And then, pretty guessed it.

I feel the earth


Under my feet.

And so it goes....

HAPPY Thursday!

(corresponding song: I Feel the Earth Move by Carole King)

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