Friday, July 15, 2011


The last few weeks, this topic has been tug tug tugging at my heart.

There are a lot of injustices here. On earth.  A lot of living hells, if you will.

And to say that I have played no part in it would be to be completely in denial.  I've served my unfair share of them.  Potty mouth.  Bitterness.  Unforgiveness. Flat out rage. Pride. Overflowing tongue.  You name it, in some way shape or form, I'm sure I have taken some sort of part.  And, unfortunately, at times still do.

I obviously say this not from a standpoint of being proud of myself but from a standpoint of humanity. Of recognizing the flaws that not only the Fall-- but my own choices have contributed to.  It is reality.

And, yet, somehow there are still times where in my streak of vengeance, I believe that someone else "deserves what they get".  Oh, that my heart would be so callused.

This really only shows a place in my heart that is yet to be softened, that has yet to let forgiveness fill, that has yet to accept this Grace that has been purchased for me.

I understand that the human condition calls for justice.  When someone steals something from us, or hurts us, or judges us, it is in no way fun.  And yet, I have found the utmost freedom in turning my want for justice into a cry for reconciliation.  I have found that when I turn in my hurts to be acknowledged and justifed by the One who has already felt them, I receive the recognition that that particular event was wrong.  And after that is acknowledged, I have the opportunity to forgive.

Forgiveness is an act of faith.  It is the higher road.  It is the key to freedom, to happiness, to joy.  And it does not negate that a situation was hurtful or painful or flat out wrong.  But what it does is serve justice. The justice we long for, for wrongs to be made right.  Because in all reality, hitting someone back with the same hurt they hurled at us is not justice.  It may be retaliation, but it is not justice.

But watching someone's life transform because you did your part in forgiveness.  That is justice.  Reconciliation is justice.  Restoration is justice.

Jesus did not have to forgive anyone.  He chose to.  He bore the burden.  He died the death.  And in one swift moment, rose to tell about it.  Sharing His experience with anyone who would recognize Him.

Oh, that we would have hearts to recognize Him.

Not to hold on to our viewpoints, or to our rights, or to our opinions.  But that we would hold onto the hope of Reconciliation.  Of justice washing us clean.  Of forgiveness washing us like a flood.

I pray that I would recognize the debt that has been paid for me, so that I may extend the same Grace to another person who has not seen.

This is Love.

(corresponding song: Going Home by Josh Garrels)

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