Wednesday, June 8, 2011


(Playlist changed how it works.  If you want my corresponding song, you'll have to click play). ---------->

You know what I love most about creativity?

The co-creating part. The partnership. The community, if you will.

I love the end product, too.  Something beautiful and attractive to look at, or to read, or to feel.  But even more than that, whenever I look back into the process of creativity, I just love that....the process.

I'm currently writing a book....or two.  And an essay.  And though at times, I get myself caught up in "I should really just do one of these at a time," I like the mess of several pages and books and essays all around me.  I like the opportunity to be with God through writing.  To create something, with Him, that is new, unique, and a physical manifestation of "us".  Kind of like the feeling you have when you become a parent.  It is absolutely mind-blowing when you and the love of your life create a human being with parts of your DNA, your personality, your gifts.


When I write or dance or act or whatever, it's the same way.  A partnership.  An expression of Him and outflow of what is currently at large in my life.  It can be funny or sad or reflective or light-hearted; whatever it is, it just flows.  There is no pretense or strife or restlessness.  Just rest......and also exhilaration. A paradox, but true.

I find that for me, as I create, my emotions settle and my mind is more clear.  I have more patience.  I have more energy.  I have more joy.

And when I don't, I feel......well, constipated. Frustrated easily.  Not patient. Lacking joy.

I was reading through my journal from around 4 years ago.  In it, I had listed that I dreamed of a time when I could be a home with my kids while also working on a book, doing voice over work and other freelance "creative" projects.  At the time I wrote this, I was in a really stressful job--not feeling fulfilled in my work--yet moving through a lot of, um, emotional healing.  As I flipped that page and read my list of desires, I teared up.  Not only because I was soooooo very thankful for my current circumstances, but mostly because I felt really cared for and nurtured.  The years where the locusts took their turns eating had been turned around.  The pruning brought me right smack dab into the middle of my dreams.  And, the Creator of me, was there in the midst.  Almost like a chessboard.  He'd take a turn, I'd take a turn, He's take a turn.....and checkmate!

Creativity nurtures my spirit.  It is self care.  It brings wholeness.  And out of it, the results are endless.  How long have we all been staring at Mona Lisa? Or the Colosseum? Or watching Shirley Temple dance? Or gawking at the Grand Canyon? Or cooing over a newborn?

It's healing.  And beautiful.

All that to say, I hope you find yourself enveloped in a lavish bounty of refreshment today.  That your spirit would be nurtured and cared for in whatever creative way you enjoy........

(corresponding song Let's Do It (Let's Fall in Love) by Louis Armstrong)

1 comment:

  1. I loooove this Sarah! I've been way behind on reading blogs, so just read this today! I feel the exact same way you do when I'm creating and its so cool that your hearts desires are happening :) love it!



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